Yeah!new iPhone4 is guys brought this??Anywhere i not that rich people to brought this i just using Nokia mini N97 only...=P
哇!新的iPhone 4出炉啦。。。你们去买了吗?这已经是成为潮流了。。之前流行Blackberry现在来个iPhone 4真的追不上啦。。本人我没那么潮流!我是使用NOKIA mini N97。。。呵呵,打得进打得出就很好咯。。潮流=金钱啦。。没金钱如何去追逐潮流呢!(伤脑筋)
Beside this i have visit to maxis website,find out iPhone 3Gs is not satisfy to buy because new iPhone 4 price is not much expensive too ..
有兴趣者可以游览 哦..除了这以外我觉得iPhone3Gs好不值得买了哎,价格都和新出的iPhone4没什么差别那当然聪明的人会选择新的啦。。呵呵!!